Does a Life Scout Wear His Sash at an Eagle Project Review
I have a ton of questions, who should I ask?
We've all been new scouts and parents in Troop 48 at i betoken, and so don't worry about feeling a bit overwhelmed at first. Many parents are involved in the Troop, and so we accept enough of people to help get you acclimated. It is difficult to find a unmarried parent in Troop 48 that is not involved in 1 way or another.
For new Scouts, they should first direct their questions toward older Scouts, especially their Patrol Leader. As the adjacent section on Troop Organization describes, Troop 48 is very sincere in its delivery to a Watch-Led troop. For a new parent, this is a large change from Cub Scouts. Jitney your child on coming to Troop meetings with questions for the older scouts, as this will assist them get used to working with the older Scouts.
For the adults, you may want to come to the meeting and talk to an developed to enquire the question your Picket is asking to the older scout and then you have some background when your child comes back to y'all with the reply they received at the coming together. Yous can straight questions to any of the developed leaders if your question pertains to a sure topic (e.grand., a money question would exist guided to our Troop Treasurer). For more general questions, each patrol has both an advisor (an Assistant Scoutmaster who works directly with the scouts) and a family who has been in the troop for a few years:
Troop Organization
A Scout troop is structured on the principles of a "Scout Led Troop" and "The Patrol Method", and Troop 48 is committed to having its scouts learn leadership, teamwork, cooperation, and achievement using these principles. A Scout-elected or leader-appointed leadership position gives the sentinel an opportunity to develop self-confidence and a sense of responsibleness to his Troop and to his Patrol.
"Lookout man Led" ways that a picket who is elected Senior Patrol Leader is in charge of the running of the Troop. He appoints Scouts to the other leadership positions, and with the guidance from the adult leadership, these Scouts class a Patrol Leaders Quango and plan and conduct the Troop activities for a six month catamenia.
"The Patrol Method" is used by the Troop, as it is organized into multiple Patrols. Each Patrol elects its Patrol Leader for a six-month term, and the patrol works as a unit, to plan and provide assigned parts of troop meetings or special troop activities. A Patrol plans its campout meals and manages its troop responsibilities.
Newly elected and appointed Sentry leaders attend Troop Leadership Training sessions that are planned and provided by Sentry leaders and adult leaders. All prospective Scout leaders are provided a written description of their leader position prior to ballot or appointment, and they are expected to commit their best try to the troop for their vi-month term. Leaders will consummate a Leader Position Review evaluation with an adult leader at the mid-point and conclusion of their leader position term.
What do Scouts do, in Troop 48?
Troop 48 holds weekly Troop Meetings, on Wed evenings from seven:15 pm to 8:thirty pm. The troop meets at Vaughan Hall (Tabernacle Road & Powhatan Trail) from mid-March through mid-October, and at Memorial Hall (100 Stokes Road, part of the Cathedral of the Woods, Protestant Community Church in Medford Lakes) from mid-October to mid-March.
Troop Meetings have a variety of Lookout man-led, Scout-planned activities, including preparation for weekend camping ground, hiking trips, and other troop activities. Parents may drop off their Scouts and pick them upward at the conclusion of the troop meeting just are encouraged to stay and participate in troop Support roles. Due to the limited activity space and extraneous distractions, siblings are not encouraged to attend troop meetings. Nevertheless, sometimes, in order for a Scout to attend, parents must sometimes besides bring a sentinel's siblings to a troop meeting. Siblings should bring something to keep quietly busy, and not interrupt the troop'southward activity.
Patrols might schedule and acquit Patrol Meetings separate from the Troop Meetings, with patrol-centered activities and campout planning. These Patrol Meetings are usually held at a patrol member's dwelling. Patrol Meetings are encouraged, and a necessity if a patrol seeks to earn the "National Honour Patrol Honor".
Troop 48 conducts either a weekend Campout or another outdoor activity, such as a Day Hike or Bike Ride, every month. Most Campouts are within a ii-hour driving distance. Camping ground Scouts commonly leave on Fri evenings and render by mid-solar day on Sunday. Parents are encouraged to go camping ground and tent-campsite with troop-furnished tents, or bring their own tent (but multi-room cabin tents are not encouraged). Parents tin participate and mentor Scouts along with the troop'south uniformed adult leaders.
Troop 48 conducts and participates in community-related Service Projects throughout the yr, such as the Medford Lakes Memorial Solar day Parade, the Burlington County Farm Fair, the Medford Historical Society'due south Apple Festival, and Scouting for Food. The Troop too helps local Cub Lookout man Packs, with participation such as helping with Pinewood Derbies and pack campouts.
Troop 48 attends a one-week long Summertime Camp every summer. This summer the Troop volition attend summertime camp at Resica Falls Scout Reservation in Due east Stroudsburg, PA. Attending summertime campsite is crucial to your child's advancement and development within scouting, so please mark these dates in your calendar. To provide a variety of summer camp experiences, the Troop tries to rotate summer camps. The Troop attended Forestburg Scout Reservation (Forestburg, NY) in 2017, Ockanickon Lookout Reservation (Pipersville PA) in 2016, Hawk Mount Scout Reservation (Schuylkill Haven, PA) in 2015, and Horseshoe Scout Reservation (Rising Sunday, Md) in 2014.
Older Scouts may too attend summer High Take chances Camps, equally a part of a backpacking trek at Philmont Scout Ranch in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Cimarron, New Mexico (world wide; or Florida Keys sailing, sea angling, snorkeling, and SCUBA diving with a lookout crew at Florida Sea Base in Islamorada, Florida (; or with a canoeing expedition at Northern Tier High Adventure Base in Ely, Minnesota (; or rafting, climbing, and mountain biking at Meridian Bechtel Reserve in Westward Virginia. The Troop typically offers a dissimilar High Adventure trip every summertime and plans these several years in accelerate so scouts can programme and also heighten their own funds to pay for these trips. During a Spotter's career, he/she will have a take chances to do several high adventure trips if and then chooses.
In 2016, Troop 48 sent ii crews (xv scouts and six adults) to Philmont, backpacking 110 miles. In 2017, two crews went sailing in the Caribbean via the Florida Sea Base. The Philmont trip is considered past many Scouts to be the capstone of their Scouting feel. Over the by decade, most 90% of the Troop 48 Scouts who attended Philmont achieved the rank of Eagle.
There are also other Earth of Scouting opportunities, such as the National Jamboree, held every four years at Summit Bechtel Reserve too every bit the Globe Jamboree, final held in West Virginia in 2019 and will exist side by side held in 2023 in S Korea!
Because regular omnipresence is important for a scout'due south enjoyment in a total Scouting feel, attendance at all troop activities is encouraged, and in that location are minimum omnipresence standards for scouts in leader positions. Troop 48 has Scouts who are very involved in school sports, band and other extracurricular activities, and then perfect attendance is not a realistic expectation. Information technology is hoped that the sentinel and his parents keep perspective, and recognize that because Scouting values will likely accept a significant, positive impact on a youth'south personal growth, they will provide a fair remainder between Scouting and other activities when conflicts arise.
Rank advocacy in Scouts BSA and in Troop 48 depends on the lookout's motivation and perseverance. Troop 48 actively encourages advancement through the seven ranks, from the Watch rank to the Hawkeye Spotter rank. Advancement is usually a key to a scout's continued growth and involvement in Scouting. Adult Leaders and youth leaders seek to provide immediate and positive recognition for a lookout man's advocacy efforts. The Ranks in Scouts BSA are Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Form, Outset Class, Star, Life, and Eagle.
Advocacy from Sentry to First Class ranks is earned by learning from others and from reading the Watch Handbook, and and then demonstrating a "watch skill" to an older Troop 48 lookout man who's at a rank of Star or higher. These spotter skills build the foundation of knowledge, and give a sentinel the confidence to participate in camping trips, service projects and other fun troop activities.
New scouts should obtain their Scout Handbook, review and become familiar with the Scout Rank requirements; and they should review "How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide" with their Parent (who signs off this Watch Rank requirement upon completion). New scouts will meet with the Scoutmaster during some of their get-go troop meetings, and will work on their Scout Rank requirements. As they become comfortable in the troop and working with the older scouts, young scouts volition seek out older scouts at troop meetings or campouts, for advocacy review. After earning the Scout Rank, young scouts may work on any Tenderfoot, 2nd Class or Offset Course requirement in any order. The ranks are earned in sequence, and at a scout's ain step. Troop 48 conducts periodic advocacy reviews, several times a twelvemonth during troop meetings, for scouts to assess their own progress and personal advancement goals.
Work towards Star, Life and Eagle ranks includes earning Merit Badges, by studying and completing prerequisite requirements, and then demonstrating proficiency to an adult merit bluecoat advisor who's either from the Troop; or from the Garden State Council's list of council-approved merit badge counselors; or a staff counselor at Summer Camp. Troop 48 adult leaders may introduce merit badges during troop meetings several times a year, after which the interested scouts may follow up and consummate the merit badge at their own initiative.
Scouting Expenses
Troop 48 re-charters annually during November and pays dues to Garden Land Council. These dues are $95 for youth and $45 for adults, per year. These ante cover the costs for a "Class B" Troop 48 t-shirt, troop equipment, scout advancement awards, National BSA registration, troop insurance, training, Boys Life magazine, etc. New scouts will also pay these dues when they join the troop.
Monthly Campouts generally cost near $30 (for patrol food, transportation, and campsite or activeness costs), and sometimes more, depending on the campout activity and travel distance. Some troop activities like Twenty-four hours Hikes are 'No Price' activities.
Troop 48 conducts limited troop-dedicated fundraising activities during the year that help fund our troop expenses (for example: Troop equipment like Tents, Patrol Boxes and cooking equipment).
Some scouts tin pay for almost all of their scouting expenses and personal scouting equipment, due to their active involvement with the Garden State Council'south Popcorn Sale, and the Troop's annual Pancake Breakfast. The troop receives no income from the Popcorn Sale--all net turn a profit goes to the selling sentinel's "Lookout Account". And after Pancake Breakfast result expenses, which nosotros seek to minimize with donated goods from troop-solicited surface area merchants, almost all of a scout's pre-issue ticket sales from the Pancake Breakfast is credited to the Lookout man's individual Scout Account. The Picket Account is managed by the troop's Treasurer (a vital volunteer task provided by a watch's parent). The scout tin choose where to spend his accrued funds, such as on personal scout equipment, or towards his cost to attend any scouting activity.
Adult in Charge (AIC)
An adult (or adults) assigned to oversee a trip or event on behalf of the
Assistant Patrol Leader (APL)
A Scout who is appointed past the patrol leader to aid him and to have his place in his absenteeism. Can apply towards POR rank requirements.
Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM)
A volunteer Scouter, 18 or older, appointed by the chartered organization to help the Scoutmaster by working with a new-Scout patrol, Varsity Scout team, or Venture patrol.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)
A troop youth leader, usually in larger troops, who helps the senior patrol leader. Appointed past the senior patrol leader with the Scoutmaster's advice and consent. Tin use towards POR rank requirements.
Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth
Founder of the worldwide Scouting movement. Built-in Feb 22, 1857, in London. Made a baron in 1929. He is referred to as Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Chief Spotter of the World. Died Jan viii, 1941. Abbreviate to B-P (without periods).
Board of Review
A review held to determine if a Scout has satisfactorily completed rank requirements. A review may be held likewise to encourage Scouts who are non advancing. For the first five ranks, the board of review is conducted by the troop committee. For the Eagle Picket rank, the Quango decides whether the unit committee or the district or Council committee responsible for advancement conducts the board of review. At least one district or Council advocacy representative shall be a member of the unit board of review.
Derived from two words: camp and jamboree. A camporee is a district or Council troop activity that demonstrates the techniques of living in army camp. Involves a 1- or two-night camping experience and may include Scoutcraft competition.
Spiritual leader for units appointed by the church building, synagogue, or customs organisation chartered to use the Scouting plan. (2) One who gives spiritual leadership to a camp or jamboree community; conducts religious services according to his or her organized religion and arranges for other religious observance as needed; provides help in dealing with morale; and visits those who are sick and provides counseling in case of bereavement.
Chaplain's Aide
A youth leader who works with the troop chaplain to ensure all members have appropriate religious observance during outings and helps other Scouts in the religious emblems programme. Appointed by the senior patrol leader with the Scoutmaster's communication and consent. Tin apply towards POR rank requirements.
In the BSA, charters authorize (1) an organization to operate BSA Scouting units (see "chartered organisation"); (2) a local Council to contain as a BSA local Council; (three) functioning of an Social club of the Arrow club; or (4) the Boy Scouts of America to incorporate. See "Charter of the Boy Scouts of America" and "Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America." When used as a verb, apply "to obtain a lease" and "to renew a lease" rather than "to charter" or "to recharter."
Chartered Arrangement
A religious, borough, congenial, educational, or other community-based organization that has practical for and received a charter to operate a BSA Scouting unit.
Chartered Organization Representative (COR)
A manager of Scouting in a chartered organization who also represents this organization in the local Council and commune.
A commissioned Scouter who works with packs, troops, teams, and Venturing crews to help the units succeed. In addition to the Quango commissioner, at that place are district commissioners, banana commune commissioners, roundtable commissioners, huddle commissioners, and unit of measurement commissioners. Besides encounter "international commissioner."
Committee Chair
The Troop Committee Chair is appointed by the chartered organization and registered equally an adult leader of the BSA. The troop committee chairman appoints and supervises the troop committee and troop leaders.
An administrative trunk chartered to exist responsible for Scouting in a designated geographic territory. The Garden Land Council is responsible for 127 cities and towns in Southern New Jersey.
Courtroom of Accolade
A recognition ceremony for those who have met the requirements of any one of the Scout ranks, merit badges, or other awards
Den Primary
The position of Den Chief serves at the asking of the Cubmaster.
He is selected by the Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster in a Scout troop. He is approved past the Cubmaster and the Pack Committee for recommendation to the Den Leader. The Den Chief helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Lookout ranks and encourages Cub Scouts to join a Scout troop upon graduation.
A geographical expanse of the Quango determined past the Council executive board to help ensure the growth and success of Scouting units within the district's territory. The Garden State Quango is made up of 5 districts. Troop 48 belongs to the Quakesen Commune.
District Commission
Consisting of chartered arrangement representatives and elected district members at big, the commune commission coordinates the functions of the district to acquit out the policies and objectives of the Council. The executive office of the district committee is the district chairperson.
Commune Executive
A professional person Scouter who works under the direction of the local Council Scout executive and acts as an adviser to the volunteer leaders in the commune.
Eagle Lookout
The highest rank for Scouts.
Fast Commencement Training
Adult volunteer leadership grooming that immediately furnishes the information new leaders need to assist them get started, assist them sympathise what is expected of them, and assist in establishing effective meeting patterns. There are versions for Cub Scout and youth scout leaders.
First Form
The rank above Second Class Sentry and below Star Scout in Scouts BSA.
Friends of Scouting (FOS)
An almanac opportunity for Scouters and interested people in the community to be identified with the local Council through their financial back up and influence in the expansion of the Council program.
Gilwell Park
The grooming center of the British Lookout Association and the original homesite of Wood Badge training. Located in Epping Wood, England; called by Baden-Powell as the territorial designation for his peerage, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell.
Proficient Turn
A distinctive feature of Scouting is its accent on service to others. The Adept Turn habit is ane that all Scouts endeavor to acquire.
High Adventure
Refers to high-adventure activities or to trek programs administered by local Councils for older Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers.
Preservestroop/squad photographs, news stories, trophies, flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia. Can apply towards POR rank requirements.
A youth leader that teaches basic Scouting skills in a troop and patrols. Can use towards POR rank requirements.
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
Required outdoor grooming for all Scoutmasters (SM) and Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM).
A term chosen by Baden-Powell to draw the first international gathering of Scouts camping together in London in 1920. The term is restricted to signal a national or world jamboree. Not capitalized unless in the title of a specific jamboree, as: "1993 National Scout Jamboree" or "19th Globe Scout Jamboree." The BSA has a national jamboree every four years.
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM)
A troop may have any number of inferior assistant Scoutmasters. They are sixteen- or 17-yr-old Scouts who help the senior patrol leader; they are appointed by him, with the Scoutmaster's advice and consent
Key 3
(1) The Council Key iii: the Council president, Quango commissioner, and Sentry executive; (2) the commune Key 3: the district chairman, commune commissioner, and district executive
Leave No Trace
The BSA is committed to this nationally recognized outdoor skills and ethics sensation program to reduce impacts on the environment and other people. The 7 principles should be followed at all times in the outdoors: Plan ahead and ready; military camp and travel on durable surfaces; pack it in, pack information technology out; leave what y'all detect; minimize campfire utilise; respect wild animals; and respect others.
Oversees the care and employ of troop books, pamphlets, magazines and audiovisuals. Can apply towards POR rank requirements.
Life Scout
The rank below Eagle Lookout man and above Star Lookout.
Merit Badge
A recognition given to a Lookout for completing the requirements for the badge. There are more than a hundred subjects in life skills, hobby, and career fields, with requirements and supporting pamphlets to help Scouts broaden their outlook.
Merit Bluecoat Counselor
A registered adult volunteer at to the lowest degree age 18 who is expert in a merit badge field and shares enthusiasm for that field with Scouts and who certifies that requirements take been met.
Compatible and Camping Equipment
"The Scout Compatible represents Scouting's spirit of equality and republic, and identifies the Scout every bit a blood brother to every other Scout. Wearing the compatible promotes comradeship, loyalty to one'southward patrol and troop, and public recognition of membership in the Boy Scouts of America". [one]
Troop 48 strongly encourages Scouts to obtain and wear their complete Spotter uniform (shirt, pants, chugalug, socks, neckerchief). Scouts are expected to wear their Field Uniform (generally called "Class A") including troop neckerchief to troop meetings, public events and when traveling to campouts. There are many activities when the Troop 48 T-Shirt (usually called "Grade B") is worn. The scout'due south Merit Badge sash and Order of the Arrow sash (for O-A members) should be worn at special events like Troop Courts of Laurels or an Eagle Lookout Court of Honor. The Scout Handbook and world wide have good information nearly the proper locations of uniform patches; patch sewing is recommended in lieu of adhesive.
Troop 48 owns nearly patrol camping equipment (such as patrol boxes, stove and cooking gear), and the troop has a Troop Trailer to conduct and store troop and patrol camping ground equipment. Scouts are expected to care for, and maintain their troop'due south equipment.
[1] Source: The Scoutmaster Handbook
The Trail to Hawkeye Scout
Along with other service and leadership-related requirements, there are 21 total merit badges that must be earned, of which 13 are BSA-required merit badges. Once a Scout achieves his Sentinel Rank, or beyond, he can then cull from among approximately 137 merit badges for subjects of interest and personal challenge.
In addition to merit badge and leadership requirements, a sentry working to consummate his Eagle rank, must programme, undertake and complete a service project with specific standards established by the Male child Scouts of America. An Eagle Service Projection requires planning, leadership, motivation and Scout Spirit, all of which tin can be experienced past active participation in other scouts' Eagle Service Projects. To aid a lookout man prepare for his ain time to come Project, and foster the principle of 'service to others", Troop 48 strongly encourages participation in every lookout'southward Eagle Service Projection. A Troop 48 scout is expected to participate in at to the lowest degree one other scout'southward Eagle Service Project, before undertaking his ain projection.
Club of the Pointer
The Society of the Pointer is Scouting'south National Clan of Honor Campers, founded on the principle of service to others. Scouts become eligible for the Social club of the Arrow after earning the Offset Grade Rank, and camping for 15 nights over a 2-year menses (5 nights may be from a BSA Summer Camp). Gild of the Arrow candidates are elected past their troop under established election guidelines, and they become inducted Arrowmen after completing their Ordeal Weekend at an area camp. Lenape Lodge 8 is the gild for Garden State Council. The Social club of the Arrow has older scout activities independent from the troop, including service projects, leader training, high take a chance service treks, and local and distant conferences with other O-A Lodges.
Adult Leaders and Parent Participation
Two-deep leadership, consisting of two Developed Leaders (at least one is over 21 years onetime), is the minimum adult leader requirement at every Troop 48 action. Troop 48 follows the standards of the Boy Scouts of America'south "Guide to Condom Scouting" to assistance ensure safety activity weather condition. Uniformed Troop 48 Adult Leaders are BSA-Trained, with personal qualifications reviewed by the Garden Land Council.
Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in troop activities. Parents are encouraged to go BSA-Trained and involved in troop activities, so as to provide the troop with more trained adult leaders and more than activeness options. Parents are also encouraged to share their life skills and occupational skills with the troop's scouts, past serving every bit council-registered Merit Badge Counselors. Previous Scouting feel may be helpful for parents, but it is neither a requirement.
All parents are invited and encouraged to be an active part of the Troop Committee. The Troop Committee meets once a month (Showtime Monday), and helps the picket'southward' Patrol Leader Council (PLC) plan and comport their activities. The Troop Commission likewise provides long-range troop planning, and standing assessment of the troop's mission. Some of the parent support roles in Troop 48 include:
Assistant Scoutmasters
Troop Committee Chairperson
Troop Treasurer
Troop Advancement Chairperson
Troop Program Coordinator
Merit Badge Counselors
Dickens Festival Coordinator
Outdoor Programs Manager
Pancake Breakfast Coordinator
Scouting for Food Coordinator
Summertime Camp Coordinator
Popcorn Sales Coordinator
Compatible Commutation Coordinator
Troop / Cub Watch Packs Liaison
Troop Website Manager
Scouts are expected to learn and apply the ideals of the Scout Adjuration and the Spotter Law--Duty to God and Country; Duty to Others; Duty to Self—during scouting activities and their everyday lives. The troop'south youth leaders are given the opportunity to try to resolve pocket-size disciplinary problems within the troop. Adult leaders volition address more significant disciplinary bug, should they occur, with the parents' notification and interest, depending on the severity. No hazing or corruption of whatever kind is immune or tolerated by Troop 48, the Garden State Council, or the Boy Scouts of America.
A picket who misbehaves may be verbally admonished as a start step, by youth leaders or by adult leaders, with the opportunity provided for the scout to self-correct his disruptive actions. A second violation may cause the scout to not be allowed to participate in the current scouting activity, with re-inclusion allowed but after a verbal amends is provided by the picket, to his patrol or troop. A third violation or a very serious initial violation require an adult leader to contact the scout's parents to come and accept him home. In the consequence of a scout leaving an upshot after a 3rd or serious violation, re-inclusion may be allowed afterwards a coming together between the scout, his parent and developed leadership appointed by the Troop Committee.
Parent Responsibilities
The Lookout man Motto is "Exist Prepared". While Scouting can aid a spotter to become more than self-reliant, a scout'southward self-sufficiency never happens as an firsthand result of his joining Scouts BSA. While assuasive scouts to brand their own decisions, parents need to help ensure that their son or girl is prepared for camping and all outdoor activities, with proper wear, outerwear, footwear and sleeping bag according to the expected weather conditions. Parents may be contacted to come to the venue and take their scout home, if the scout is found to not exist adequately prepared, and thus at run a risk to his or her personal safety.
Parents need to pick their scout promptly at the determination of Troop meetings and any scouting outcome with a pre-established ending time. Due to distraction and phone-related problems, Scouts are discouraged, and sometimes prohibited, from bringing phones, on campouts. Depending on the activity, phones may be collected for safekeeping, and and so returned at the determination of the campout or other activity. Adult Leaders may exist contacted by parents during a scouting event in example of an urgent demand for contacting your son.
Parent participation is needed and expected, for our troop to part well. Parents may or may not choose to camp with the troop, but there are plenty of support roles and event planning that need active parent participation. Troop support is where parents can play a valuable role, and help take some of the organizational load off of our troop'south defended, uniformed volunteer adult leaders.
New Parent FAQ
How many registered scouts are in the troop?
There are 47 registered scouts (42 boys/v girls) between both troops: almost are active in meetings and activities.
How many scouts have earned the Eagle rank in the past few years?
Since 2016, 15 scouts have earned the rank of Eagle.
What goes on at a troop meeting?
Troop meetings are run by the scouts. The Senior Patrol Leader runs the meeting, and each patrol is responsible for a part of the coming together-including setting upwards for the meeting, a game or activity and a presentation or programme. In that location is too patrol time, and time for planning events.
Does the troop do any service opportunities?
Almost months find the scouts working on a service project, and they also practise service projects on several camping trips each year. This past year, Troop 48 scouts contributed 1198 service hours to help in the community! These hours can likewise be counted towards the scout'south National Accolade Social club requirements.
Tin a scout proceed with other extracurricular activities and all the same exist a spotter?
Yes! Troop 48 scouts are also very active in their school bands, sports, clubs and activities. Since troop leadership positions run for six month terms, scouts can plan them around other activities such as sports seasons.
Is there support for new scouts?
The Troop Guide is a leader within the Troop who is specifically assigned to help new scouts advance in rank while having fun and becoming a part of the troop. Much of the programming is geared towards helping the new scouts accelerate in rank, such as the March Troop campout and the Summer Camp, which has a first year watch program.
Does the troop go camping?
Troop 48 schedules one weekend camping trip every month, and the troop enjoys one week at a BSA camp each summertime. In past year, our scouts have spent a total of 507 nights camping. In the past few years we have travelled to one of our Acadia National Park, Assistant Scoutmasters Farms, Rock climbing and COPE, Telco Gun Club, Forestburg Lookout man Reservation, Pine Colina Picket Reservation, Horseshoe Scout Reservation, Articulation Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, Manassas Battlefield, Ricketts Glen, Brandywine Land Park, Harper's Ferry, WV, Cape May Coast Baby-sit Training Center, the Usa Naval Academy and Ockanickon Scout Reservation.
What camping gear practice we demand?
A scout needs to provide his ain mess kit, sleeping handbag and clothing. The troop has tents a scout tin borrow if they exercise not take their own.
Can moms participate? Become camping ground? Go to summer military camp?
Yes! You are welcome and encouraged to join united states of america.
Can parents be involved with the troop?
It has been shown that scouts with involved parents enjoy scouting longer and advance in rank more than scouts with no parental involvement. Currently, in that location are 35 adults that are registered with Troop 48 serving in both the Scoutmaster Corp and the Troop Committee
What opportunities are there equally a sentry gets older?
'Venture Scouts' is a separate scouting program for older scouts. Venture Crew 48 was started in the autumn of 2011, office of the purpose of the Venture Crew is to provide a scouting feel to all youth aged 14-21. Scouts wishing to join Crew 48 must be at to the lowest degree fourteen years old and exist at least Star Rank.
National Office
The accost of the administrative offices of the Boy Scouts of America is Boy Scouts of America, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079.
Lodge of the Arrow (OA)
Scouting'due south national honor order. Youth members (Arrowmen) must hold First Class Sentry rank; they are elected past all youth members of the troop, based on their Scouting spirit and camping ability. The aim of the OA is to promote the outdoor program and service to Scouting. Troop 48 OA members belong to the Lenape 8 Guild.
Outdoor Code
"Equally an American, I volition practise my best to - Be clean in my outdoor manners. Be careful with fire. Exist considerate in the outdoors. Be conservation minded."
A small group of Scouts who belong to a troop and piece of work together in and out of troop meetings. Normally, there are several patrols in one troop. Capitalize merely when part of a title, such equally "Fob Patrol".
Patrol Leader (PL)
Elected by the patrol members, this Scout leads the patrol and represents it on the patrol leaders' Council, which plans the troop programme. Can apply towards POR rank requirements.
Patrol Leaders' Quango (PLC)
Each patrol leader, representing his patrol, meets with other patrol leaders and the senior patrol leader to program their troop program. The Scoutmaster acts as an adviser.
Quality Awards
Recognition given each lease year to units and each calendar year to districts, Councils, areas, and regions that commit to and meet specified national standards pertaining to leader preparation, service, advancement, camping, and membership growth. Applies to packs, troops, teams, crews and ships.
Position of Responsibility (POR)
Leadership roles that Scouts perform. Some of them are advisable for advancing to Star, Life, and Eagle Scout ranks.
Quartermaster (QM)
The Quartermaster keeps rails oftroop orteam equipment and sees that it is in practiced working order. He keeps records on patrol/troop or team/team equipment, makes certain equipment is in practiced working status, and bug equipment and makes certain it is returned in practiced condition. Can apply towards POR rank requirements.
1 of four geographical authoritative units of the BSA: Northeast Region, Southern Region, Central Region, and Western Region. There are regional service centers, regional directors, regional staffs, regional presidents, and regional committee members. The Garden Country Council is located in the Northeast Region.
An event conducted past a roundtable commissioner and roundtable staff to help the unit leadership of a district programme and carry out their own unit of measurement programs.
Safe Swim Defense Plan
An 8-indicate plan of recommended procedures for conducting grouping swims. The eight points are (1) qualified supervision, (two) physical fitness, (3) safe swimming surface area, (4) lifeguards on duty, (v) watch, (6) ability groups, (7) buddy system, and (viii) good bailiwick.
Rubber Adrift
Guidelines for prophylactic unit activity afloat in craft less than 26 feet long: (i) qualified supervision, (2) physical fitness, (three) pond ability, (iv) personal flotation equipment, (5) buddy arrangement, (6) skill proficiency, (seven) planning, (eight) equipment, and (9) discipline.
The first rank on the trail to Eagle Lookout man.
Lookout man Executive
The chief executive officer of the Council responsible for the administration, financing, marketing, motivation, recruiting, and staffing required for successful Council operations.
Scout in Accuse (SIC)
A scout (or scouts) assigned to pb a trip or event on behalf of the
Scout Constabulary
"A Picket is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, dauntless, clean, and reverent."
Scout Motto
Be prepared.
Scout Oath
"On my honor, I will practise my all-time. To exercise my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Police; To help other people at all times; To go on myself physically potent, mentally awake and morally straight."
Lookout Reservation or Camp
State endemic by or leased to the Boy Scouts of America to further the Scouting plan. A Watch ranch, reservation and sometimes a military camp usually has two or more camps or dissever camping areas.
Lookout man Dominicus
The Sunday before February 8, Scouting Ceremony Twenty-four hour period.
A registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America who serves in a volunteer or professional capacity.
Scouting Anniversary Twenty-four hours
Feb 8, 1910, was the day William D. Boyce incorporated the Male child Scouts of America.
Scouting Ceremony Week
This is the week, get-go on Sunday, that includes Feb eight, Scouting Anniversary Day. During the calendar week, units are encouraged to conduct rededication ceremonies and to demonstrate Scouting'southward purposeful activities.
Scouting for Food
An ongoing annual program of the Boy Scouts of America, begun in 1985 by the Greater Saint Louis Area Council, that collects food for local food banks. Troop 48's annual drive benefits the Medford Lakes Lions Club's food depository financial institution.
A volunteer Scouter, 21 or older, appointed by the chartered organization to pb a Scout troop.
Scoutmaster Briefing
A distinctive feature of the troop advocacy programme in which a Scoutmaster helps a Spotter have the responsibleness for his own growth toward each rank.
Scoutmaster'southward Infinitesimal
A role of the closing anniversary of a troop meeting or campfire in which the Scoutmaster encourages Scoutlike acquit by telling a story.
The Scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the patrol leaders' council and keeps a record of Lookout man attendance at troop meetings. He attends the patrol leaders' council simply generally is not a voting fellow member. Tin can apply towards POR rank requirements.
2d Class
The rank in a higher place Tenderfoot in Scouts BSA and Varsity Scout advocacy.
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
Each troop has 1 senior patrol leader, a Lookout man elected by the Scouts to help all the patrols succeed. He may be assisted past one or more assistant senior patrol leaders. Can apply towards POR rank requirements.
Silver Beaver Honour
A recognition given past the National Courtroom of Honour for distinguished service to youth within the Council.
The rank above First Course and beneath Life in Scout advancement.
The second rank in the Scouts BSA advancement program. Always singular.
Totin' Chip
A recognition given to Scouts who subscribe to the Outdoor Code and understand and can demonstrate the proper handling, care, and use of woods tools.
The unit that conducts Scouting for the chartered organization. Capitalize only when used with the troop number.
Troop Guide
The Troop Guide helps new Scouts feel comfortable and earn Offset Grade rank in their first year. Can utilize towards POR rank requirements.
Troop Permission Form (TPF)
A "contract", signed by a Scout and his parent/guardian, outlining the Scout's expectations during an event, in which Troop 48 is participating.
The entity that conducts Scouting for the chartered system; it consists of registered youth members and registered developed volunteer members. A unit may be a pack, troop, team, coiffure, or ship.
Individual who donates service, time, or funds to support the programme of the Boy Scouts of America.
Forest Badge
Grooming laurels granted upon completion of the Wood Badge for the 21st Century grade. A leather thong with ii wooden beads, a special neckerchief, and a slide (woggle) are worn past those who take completed the training.
Youth Protection Training (YPT)
The formal pedagogy of the BSA's youth protection guidelines. It is required for adult leaders earlier the time of recharter, new leaders before they submit their application for registration, and other specific BSA volunteers. Grooming is valid for ii years from the engagement of completion. An online version of Youth Protection Training Course is bachelor at MyScouting.Org; a member ID in not required to accept this grade.
Troop 48
Medford Lakes, NJ
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